UNI C-Green is the fully compostable polymer compound which consists of TPS, PLA, PBAT. It has both properties of fully compostable polymers and also has great physical and chemical properties which makes it a perfect choice for a green natural polymer for packaging and other.

Recently, more and more governments and companies are shifting towards biodegradable and green and compostable polymers and products. And in recent years there are a lot of regulation and new laws has been developed to insure safer and healthier environment.

Compostable polymers are a group of materials that biodegrade in the presence of microorganisms. They are made from natural sources and contain no toxic chemicals, metals or heavy metals. Compostable polymers can be used as packaging material for food products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Many compostable polymers are available, namely, polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), and etc. Even so, in most cases, the high cost of producing fully compostable polymers prevents them from being used as substitutes for traditional polymers. One of the solutions to the obtaining compostable polymers is the use of natural raw materials such as starch.

UNI C-Green consist of common compostable polymers such as PLA, PHB, PBAT together with Unitekplast enhanced and advanced formulation of TPS which is much cheaper with perfect physical properties. Compounding TPS with other expensive compostable polymers will greatly decrease the price of fully compostable polymers yet maintaining the composability at its maximum.

UNITEKPLAST has been developing TPS granules and blend and nanocomposites for various industries especially packaging and food industries.